搜索 阿达兰·埃斯迈

  • Elliott, a young fisherman with an extraordinary voice, gets the chance of a lifetime when he is discovered by the successful high-profile music manager, Suzanne. Suzanne soon pairs Elliott with her estranged daughter and music producer, Lily. On his way to becoming a star, struggles from the past threaten not only his big breakthrough, but also the budding love with Lily.
  • 《黑蟹行动》是一部瑞典动作惊悚片,背景设定在因战争而四分五裂的末日后世界。在一个漫长而严酷的冬天,六名士兵开始了一项秘密任务 — 冒着生命危险穿越冰冻的群岛运送一个据说能结束战争的包裹。当他们进入敌人的领地时,他们不知道前方会有什么危险,也不知道自己可以信任谁(如果有的话)。但对于速滑运动员出身的士兵卡罗琳·埃德来说,这个任务完全是另一回事。《黑蟹行动》由劳米·拉佩斯主演,亚当·伯格担任导演,讲述了六名士兵为了结束摧毁他们生活的战争而执行一项艰巨任务。
  • In the aftermath of a violent assault, a couple decides to leave everything and start over in another country, but their past won’t let them go. Masculinity, sex and violence pervade in this modern psychological thriller.
  •   Elliott, a young fisherman with an extraordinary voice, gets the chance of a lifetime when he is discovered by the successful high-profile music manager, Suzanne. Suzanne soon pairs Elliott with her estranged daughter and music producer, Lily. On his way to becoming a star, struggles from the past threaten not only his big breakthrough, but also the budding love with Lily.
  • 已有四年未有新作面世的“老帕” 布莱恩·德·帕尔玛将拍摄一部名为《多米诺骨牌(Domino)》(暂译名)的动作惊悚片。《权力的游戏》中的弑君者尼可拉·科斯特-瓦尔道和《广告狂人》饰演Joan的克里斯蒂娜·亨德里克斯将出演男女主角。  《多米诺骨牌》由彼特·斯卡兰(《苏菲的世界》)担任编剧,故事中,男主角是一名哥本哈根当地的警察,在搭档被神秘人暗杀后,他与搭档的情妇合作追踪凶手。不料在这个过程中却被一个阴险的中央情报局警探暗算,被劫持到了西班牙。影片将在丹麦和西班牙拍摄,IM Global公司将代理其全球事务,北美事宜则将由ICM公司代理。  据悉,影片将于今年夏天开拍。
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