搜索 迈克尔·霍尔德

  • 改编自畅销小说的战争动作片,由理查德.伯顿与克林特.伊斯特伍德主演。   故事发生在二次世界大战时期,英国军官率领一支突击队去拯救被德军俘虏的美国将军。   他们的目的地是阿尔卑斯山上地势凶险的城堡,六名队员穿着德军制服越过种种关卡,但其中一名成员突然神秘死亡,揭露出队伍中有内奸,于是队长策划了一个危险的计划来救人除凶。   导演布莱恩.G.赫顿擅长于利用大自然的地形地物来安排一连串的爆炸追逐场面,尤其高空缆车中的生死斗拍得相当紧张刺激,是突击队电影中的佼佼者。   《血染雪山堡Where Eagles Dare》是擅长执导战争片的导演布莱恩·G·赫顿1969年打造的代表作之一,在随后的1970年布莱恩·G·赫顿再次与克林特·伊斯特伍德合作了另外一部经典的二战电影《凯利和他的英雄们》,此是后话,暂且按下不表。《血染雪山堡》曾经以《魔窟寻谍》为片名在国内公映过,配音工...
  •   Morlar, a second class writer, is brutally killed. His head is totally smashed. When Inspector Brunel, a French cop, working in an exchange program in London, and sergeant Duff look up in his appartment, Morlar comes back to life. He resistst all his violations, a medical sensation. The researches show, that all people, who hurt Morlar in any way, died thereafter in a strange way. Above all, to those people belong authorities, as his parents, teachers, priests. Morlar thought, he initiated ALL catastrophies on earth. When he asked Dr.Zonfeld for help and she didn't believe him, he let an airplane crash into a building. Why doesn't he die ? Does it have something to do with the Queen visitig Westminster AbbeY ? And Windscale ?
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