- An old Parisian bistro with eternal charm. Eight gentlemen around the table, eight great figures. They were the kings of Paris and national treasures, they are now endangered masterpieces. In this well-established ritual, their sense of humor and self-mockery remain intact. Tender and cruel, these eight old friends hate and love each other. When suddenly, an intruder appears…
- 看起来有些格格不入的山姆(安德斯·丹尼尔森·李 Anders Danielsen Lie 饰)来到前女友组织的喧嚣派对之中。整个晚上人们纵情狂欢,高歌劲舞,山姆焦灼地穿梭而过,渴望早些取到想要的东西快些离去。许是神经过于紧绷,疲惫的山姆瘫坐在沙发中沉沉睡去,全然没有听到门外传来的撞击声和尖叫声。次日一早,山姆醒来,正准备带着个人物品离开,结果却发现房间墙壁、地板满是血迹,此前活生生的人全部变成了嗜血如命、丧失人性的僵尸。街道上僵尸狂奔,搜寻猎物。无助的山姆被迫困在公寓里,他试图逃生,然而整个城市似乎已经被绝望和死亡所主宰…… 本片根据法国作家PitAgarmen的小说改编。