- 啤酒大亨佛烈德海尼根,一九八三年遭持槍綁架,囚禁長達三週,最後付出約六億台幣的贖金後被救出。然而,故事還沒結束,這位當時荷蘭最具權勢的肉票獲釋之後,隨即動用了各種關係,要讓綁匪被緝捕歸案,一場鬥智的復仇即將剛開始……。 根據轟動一時的真實事件改編,編導將故事中心放在當時才二十五歲的綁匪朗姆與富豪海尼根間的對比與對抗,一方面透過恐怖的經歷,讓這位富商巨賈理解到自己內在的脆弱與冷漠,才懂得珍視生命中看似理所當然的事物;另一方面也藉著這名青年惡徒的兇暴挑釁,彰顯出社會上遭剝奪的另一群小人物,對於這世界的憤怒反抗。這是荷蘭最知名的演員魯格豪爾,闊別三十年後重返祖國影壇演出的作品,堪稱他表演生涯的另次高峰。
- Matt, an influencer and young parent to newborn Julius, discovers a dark secret from his dementing father's past. He starts an in-depth investigation, which consequently opens a Pandora's box of secrets and unravels more family dramas than anticipated. Matt's wife, Liv, is deeply concerned and will do everything in her power not to lose him, but is it too late..?