- Jean de La Fontaine once said, Rare is true love, true friendship is rarer. The film is a love story about extremely close best friends TJ and Amanda, Fuffy (Pascual) and Fream (de Rossi). The two only meet when it's a must but when they do, they go through several misadventures that lead them to reevaluate their lives and discover the special meaning they hold for each other.
- 聪明机灵的麦文(Epy Quizon 饰)和木讷朴实的达都(Bayani Agbayani 饰)是在台湾的菲律宾移工 。他们远离家乡,为了家乡亲人更好的生活在这个陌生的地方辛勤工作。工作之余,麦文总是向达都描述他最大的愿望,那就是能在宿舍的天台能有一张舒服的沙发,每日下班后能躺在上面看星星,而达都总是一笑置之。一个普通的星期天,菲律宾移工的假期。分别约会失败的麦文和达都无意间在路旁发现了一张被人遗弃的红色沙发。麦文成功说服达都一起将这件承载了梦想了家具搬回宿舍。可是回宿舍的路途并不容易,几次意外,几番争吵,麦文和达都究竟能否成功将沙发搬回宿舍?两人在台湾的打工生活又会发生什么变化呢? 本片由日本放送协会(NHK)赞助拍摄。