搜索 肯·休斯

  • For thousands of years, only religion has offered an answer to what happens after death. Science is about to change that. With the help of a physicist, a blind medium, and Thomas Edison's final experiment, Brayden Taylor embarks on a quest to contact the afterlife. For his love to transcend dimensions, he must defy the laws of quantum physics. He must defy the balance nature de...
  • At the height of his fame, Oscar Wilde angers the Marquis of Queensberry by having what is (correctly) believed to be a romantic relationship with Queensberry's son Lord Alfred Douglas (Bosie), who is twenty years Wilde's junior. When Queensberry slanders Wilde, the artist decides to take the matter to court and brings about his own downfall.
  • 几千年来,只有宗教为死亡后发生的事情提供了答案。科学即将改变这一点。在物理学家、和ThomasEdison的最后实验的帮助下,BraydenTaylor开始探索与来世的联系。因为他爱超越维度,他必须违抗量子物理定律。他必须藐视平衡的自然要求。他必须反抗…上帝模型。
  • 剧情介绍:   片中的男主角是已退休的邦德爵士,正在备感无聊之际,他以前的上司M被杀,邦德乃从伦敦前往苏格兰探访M的遗孀,不料遗孀却企图勾引他,失败之后跑去当修女。邦德继续追查凶手,接触了一群形形色色的间谍,最后在皇家夜总会展开大对决。   影片中众多的噱头普遍偏于老式,但片中可称精彩的部分还不算少,伍迪第一次出场从一个形成逃到另一个刑场的段落、东德拍卖小黄色照片的拍卖会、如果你喜欢看大场面,那最后一个大混战的场面也许你会满意——真正是一场“混战”。   老007——詹姆斯·邦德爵爷已经退休了,如今CIA、KGB,以及英国谍报组织等机构的四个老板级人物联袂而来,请他再次出山,协助调查雇员失踪被袭事件。老邦德已经决意退休,不为所动,他的老上级M乾脆点燃雪茄,外面的部队看到信号,发炮炸毁了邦德的宅第。   老邦德一出山,敌人就决定要毁掉这个伟大的、道德高尚的、不近女色的...
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