- Deep in the Northern California woods, in the heart of the notorious Emerald Triangle, lies a remote cabin. The residents struggle to fight off the repeated attacks and abductions by mysterious creatures that have plagued them for years. When a local pot farmer is caught up with a wayward group of campers the situation quickly escalates into total carnage.
- 《Hick》根据Andrea Portes的同名小说改编。 鲁伊(科洛·莫瑞兹 Chlo? Moretz 饰)有一对不靠谱的父母,整天不是吵架就是酗酒吸毒,送给她13岁的生日礼物居然是一把Smith and Wesson.45手枪。在母亲跟别的男人逃走以后,鲁伊也决定离 家寻找自己的生活,带上所有的东西徒步去了拉斯维加斯。路上,她遇见了自闭怪异的牛仔艾迪(埃迪·雷德梅恩 Eddie Redmayne 饰),他右腿有点残疾,双方谈不拢,鲁伊被抛在路上。随后她遇见了布林顿(布蕾克·莱弗利 Blake Lively 饰),两人合伙抢劫便利店。其后随布林顿来到吉姆的住所,又遇到做酒保的艾迪。艾迪带鲁伊外出,先是痛打对鲁伊图谋不轨的路人,其后又将她捆绑在小屋的床上。鲁伊向布林顿求助,后来布林顿赶到此,却被艾迪,误杀。而鲁伊也用自己的枪结果了艾迪......