搜索 米里斯·雷梅德

  • 为了修复感情裂痕,安娜和尤汉来到朋友海边的别墅度假。海泳时,他们偶遇失足礁石而意外受伤的陌生女人。安娜和尤汉将她和她丈夫收留进别墅,假装是屋子的主人。谁知,这一决定竟引发了一连串的伪装、角色扮演和心理游戏,事态也一步步走向暴力冲突和灾难的边缘……  Intent on repairing a rift in their relationship, Anna and Juhan retreat to a seaside house lent to them by well-heeled friends. After witnessing an accident on rocky shore, they take in a wounded woman and her husband - a couple they find they have a lot in common with. Anna and Juhan begin to pretend they own the house, engaging their guests in a game of domination that propels their relationship to the brink of destruction.
  •   故事发生在爱沙尼亚一个异教徒聚居的小村庄,这里狼人、瘟疫和幽灵肆虐。为了在冰冷而黑暗的冬天里生存下来,这里的村民们百无禁忌,四处偷窃。他们出卖自己的良心,到处搜刮一种可以帮助他们偷窃的生物“库拉特”,即使谷仓畜棚满得装不下了也不停止偷窃。影片的女主角是一个位名叫莉娜的年轻农场女孩,她无可救药地爱上了村里叫做汉斯的男孩。对男孩的欲望使女孩变成狼人,跳进了冰冷的池水。她已做好准备,为爱情献身……
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