- 因抢劫罪被判十二年徒刑的吉诺(阿兰·德隆饰)刑满出狱,在社工热尔曼(让·加宾Jean Gabin饰)的热心帮助和循循善诱下,他决心痛改前非,重新做人。但信奉“罪犯永远都是罪犯”的警长杰特勒(米歇尔·布盖 Michel Bouquet饰)却仍然不信任他,处处与他作对,最终逼得他走投无路,终于失控杀死了警长杰特勒。经过冷酷、教条的法庭的审讯后,吉诺最终被推上了断头台。 这是一部对专制暴政和断头台提出强烈控诉和谴责的人道主义电影,深沉的主题和场面常令观众陷入巨大的感情波澜之中。本片在巴黎及其近郊放映时,仅十周内观众人数就高达四十八万人次。1981年,密特朗总统上台后,通过了在法国取消死刑的新法令。
- Roberto, a drummer in a rock band, keeps receiving weird phone calls and being followed by a mysterious man. One night he manages to catch up with his persecutor and tries to get him to talk but in the ensuing struggle he accidentally stabs him. He runs away, but he understands his troubles have just begun when the following day he receives an envelope with photos of him killing the man. Someone is killing all his friends and trying to frame him for the murders...