- A small town video game store clerk must go from zero to hero after accidentally unleashing the forces of evil from a cursed Colecovision game... Max Jenkins' gaming fantasies collides with reality when a legendary "lost" installment of the Nether Game series appears on the store counter of his workplace, Fallout Games. Unbeknownst to Max, the game bears a "Curse of The Ages", ...
- 1)名叫蒂米的男童怨灵会在万圣节当晚四处寻找糖果,甚至会为此挖开他人的肚子;2)小男孩被逼迫去一户人家恶作剧,结果被长着角的男主人抓住,两人一起上街恶搞乃至戕害狂欢的人群;3)某户人家正坐在客厅看电影,这时有个打扮成巫婆的女孩敲门,却用刀捅了男主人,恐怖的万圣节变成灾难,当然他们正为自己的所作所为付出代价;4)二男一女不良少年团伙在万圣节之夜四处欺负他人,这时打扮成魔鬼的少年出面阻止他们,反而被三人抓住。5)老妇人和亲朋们讲述了玛丽?贝利的传说,那是一个不愿意被人看到的女人的怨灵,如果被她看到可就惨了;6)无法承受丧女之痛的女人在万圣节之夜变成了心理失衡的恶魔;7)中年人的对面,搬来几个重口味的金属青年,夜幕降临,他和重金属们发生了冲突;8)密林深处,失魂落魄的少女被无情的杀人狂追逐,突然怪事发生;9)两个劫匪企图在万圣节绑架某富豪的孩子,怎奈请神容...
- When police raid a house in El Paso, they find it full of dead Latinos, and only one survivor. He’s known as The Traveler, and when they take him to the station for questioning he tells them those lands are full of magic and talks about the horrors he’s encountered in his long time on this earth, about portals to other worlds, mythical creatures, demons and the undead. Stories ...