搜索 扎克·加利根

  •   In a time now lost in the mists of memory, the great King Arthur rules in the legendary citadel that is Camelot. His Knights of the Round Table perform acts of derring-do and spend their spare time jousting, much to the delight of the local citizens and especially to Princess Ilene, a guest at Camelot. Watching her from afar is a young, inexperienced squire called Valiant, and when the young Welsh princess is sent home to marry Prince Arn, Valiant contrives to accompany her masquerading as Sir Gawain. Meanwhile, the evil sorceress Morgan le Fey, sister to King Arthur, has convinced the tyrannical Sligon, ruler of the Viking kingdom of Thule, that he should steal Arthur's sword, the powerful and magical Excalibur, knowing that its loss could bring about Arthur's downfall. So into the fray comes Sligon's unstable and psychotic brother Thagnar, who manages to steal the sword. Pandemonium reigns. But Valiant is having problems of his own - kidnappers attempt to steal away the Princess, and after various skirmishes, including one with a mysterious character who lives in a cave and purloins treasure, women and other things of value, Valiant manages to return the Princess to her homeland - although he also manages to have a duel with the Princess' jealous fiancé, Prince Arn. All things converge as Valiant is finally informed of his heritage by the stranger from the cave... Boltar of Thule. He informs the lad that he is Prince Valiant, rightful heir to the kingdom of Thule, and with his help, Valiant returns to the land of his birth to rightfully claim what is his.
  • 杰森·缪斯(Jason Mewes)执导首部长片。为了在好莱坞为自己赢得更多的尊重,他尝试用体验派表演方法,慢慢地堕落为疯狂。
  • 剧情描述一家研究DNA遗传工程的药厂实验室将小精灵加以实验,结果制造了一群破坏力强烈的怪物,将大楼搞得人仰马翻,男女主角费尽九牛二虎之力才把这群怪物消灭。
  • 由《小精灵》导演乔但丁率男女主角查克加利根及菲比凯丝等原班人马再晋一城之作,将故事背景从原来的乡镇改为纽约的大都会。剧情描述一家研究DNA遗传工程的药厂实验室将小精灵加以实验,结果制造了一群破坏力强烈的怪物,将大楼搞得人仰马翻,男女主角费尽九牛二虎之力才把这群怪物消灭。本片用自我嘲讽的手法来批判小精灵这种外表看似可爱其实内心丑恶无比的怪物,不但对不类社会没有好处,反而制造祸端。人类企图藉DNA科学改变自然生态,很可能会弄巧成拙。全片特技效果高明,洋溢出丰富的视觉笑料,娱乐性高。
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