搜索 恩布希·赖特

  • Michael (or Fresh as he's well known) is a 12-year-old drug pusher who lives in a crowded house with his cousins and aunt. His father has become a street bum,but still meets with fresh on occasion to play chess. Fresh is rather quiet in a crazy world. Fresh' sister is a junkie who sleeps with the dealers that fresh sells for. As the story progresses Fresh realizes that he doesn't want to sell drugs anymore, he wants revenge.
  • 刀锋战士布莱德的母亲怀孕时被吸血鬼咬伤了,生下他后就去世了,由此布莱德(韦斯利?斯奈普斯 Wesley Snipes 饰)带上了一半吸血鬼的血。布莱德自幼在武器专家阿伯拉罕家长大,阿伯拉罕(克里斯?克里斯托佛森 Kris Kristofferson 饰)为他打造威力最强大的对付吸血鬼的武器和为他注射药物以免他变为吸血鬼。   布莱德一直是人类保护神,吸血鬼的克星。当他一次次破坏吸血鬼的好事,猎杀无数吸血鬼后,吸血鬼王佛斯特(斯蒂芬?多尔夫 Stephen Dorff 饰)发誓要除掉这个心头大患。他先是劝说布莱德加入他们的行列,这样的话他们就天下无敌。然后设计弄到布莱德的血,因为这样他就能用他的血实施血祭,唤出血潮,这样所有的人就都会变为吸血鬼。布莱德最终能战胜这个强敌吗?
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