搜索 安德鲁·马顿

  •   Rian Mitchell discovers an emerald deposit in South America, but gets chased away before he can start to mine. He tricks his partner, Vic, into returning to the site. While there, he meets Catherine and Donald Knowland, siblings who run a coffee plantation. Rian falls for Catherine and is torn between his love for her and his love for the "green fire" of emeralds.
  • 影片描绘的是登陆诺曼底的第一天所发生的事件,所谓最长的一天是该片分别从盟军和德军双方面的角度同时描述诺曼第登陆这一历史战役的来龙去脉,以及双方在此期间的重要反应,手法平实,场面逼真,让整个事件在观众眼前重现。并且粗中有细,无论是决策的将军还是登陆的士兵都写得栩栩如生:英军战机低空飞过攻击;美国特种部队遭德军射击;一群法国修女冒着枪林弹雨抢救联军伤兵……
  •   本片是由曾执导过《美国狼人在伦敦》的约翰.兰迪斯导演,是一部风格特异的悬疑惊险片。还邀请了《魔鬼克星》的丹.艾克罗伊德、摇滚乐巨星戴维.鲍伊、大导演保罗.马泽斯基等人。 剧中讲述一个住在洛杉矶的工程师艾德,在赌城拉斯维加斯巧遇美女黛安娜。黛安娜正受人之托准备把宝石秘密交给别人,但收货人却被人暗算,残暴的杀手组织对黛安娜仍紧追不放,这使她和艾德陷入危机四伏的处境中。
  •   Dr. Steven Sorenson plans to tap the geothermal energy of the Earth's interior by means of a thermonuclear device detonated deep within the Earth. Despite dire warnings by fellow scientist Ted Rampian, Dr Sorenson proceeds with the experiment after secretly learning that he is terminally ill. This experiment causes a crack to form and grow within the earth's crust, which threatens to split the earth in two if it is not stopped in time.
  •   本片是由曾执导过《美国狼人在伦敦》的约翰.兰迪斯导演,是一部风格特异的悬疑惊险片。还邀请了《魔鬼克星》的丹.艾克罗伊德、摇滚乐巨星戴维.鲍伊、大导演保罗.马泽斯基等人。 剧中讲述一个住在洛杉矶的工程师艾德,在赌城拉斯维加斯巧遇美女黛安娜。黛安娜正受人之托准备把宝石秘密交给别人,但收货人却被人暗算,残暴的杀手组织对黛安娜仍紧追不放,这使她和艾德陷入危机四伏的处境中。
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