搜索 安东尼·尼科尔

  • 电影改编自真实历史事件。故事发生在十六世纪,国王亨利八世(罗伯特·肖 Robert Shaw 饰)爱上了名叫安妮(瓦妮莎·雷德格瑞夫 Vanessa Redgrave 饰)的女子,他想同王后离婚,却又碍于世俗道德的制约。亨利八世找到了大法官托马斯(保罗·斯科菲尔德 Paul Scofield 饰),他要求托马斯在离婚法令上签字,企图以托马斯的德高望重来减轻自己的负罪。  托马斯一生光明磊落,国王的无理要求令极富正义感的他十分困扰,因为他明白,拒绝国王的人注定不会有好下场。在内心良知的引导下,托马斯贯彻了自己的原则,他拒绝签字并辞去了官职,可即便如此,正直的他也最终未能逃脱死于非命的厄运。
  • 同志电影史最重要的作品之一,它不只是第一部直接道出‘同性恋’字眼的英语片,更勇于碰触性取向成为被抹黑、勒索和恐惧的社会现实。在同志电影多如过江之鲫的今日,它的直陈无碍更显难得。英国红星狄鲍嘉也在突破形象后,日后毫无忌惮地演出维斯康堤、法斯宾达的电影。当年囿于英国电检而消失的十分钟,也将以全新数位修复拷贝,忠实重现。
  • Norman Taylor is a successful young professor, married with Tansy Taylor. He is a very skeptical man, while his wife believes in magic and witchcraft. One day, he finds lots of amulets and witchcraft in his house, and he decides to destroy all of them. His wife gets scared and advises him that he destroyed all the protection their home and lives had against the evil of envious and wicked persons, including some of his colleagues. Norman in principle does not have faith in her, but many strange events happen with him, and he changes his mind
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