搜索 亚历山大·波罗

  • 該片由俄羅斯國家杜馬的獨立議員斯·戈沃魯欣執導。  A very typical post-Soviet era storyline. A bunch of vagabonds lured an innocent teenage girl to their apartment, offered her a drink, intimidated then gang raped her. Local cops are incapable to undertake an adequate action against the scoundrels - prevented by the superior chief of the local police (militia) which is the dad of one the scumbags. The case is closed. The girl's grand-dad tired of endless circumlocution decides to take revenge of his own.
  •   沙皇的残暴统治让人民们苦不堪言,一群思想先进的贵族青年们决定将他们的力量集结起来,一举推翻沙皇的统治。在十二月,这群有志青年们发起了武装起义,不幸的是,起义失败了,青年们遭到了当局残酷的镇压,领袖人物全部被处以极刑,德鲁别兹卡雅公爵(阿勒克塞·巴塔洛夫 Aleksey Batalov 饰)、伏尔康斯基公爵(奥列格·斯特里仁诺夫 Oleg Strizhenov 饰)等参与者则被流放到了遥远的西伯利亚。  得知丈夫们被流放的消息,德鲁别兹卡雅公爵夫人(伊琳娜·库普琴科 Irina Kupchenko 饰)、伏尔康斯基公爵夫人(纳塔莉亚·邦达尔丘克 Natalya Bondarchuk 饰)等人毅然决然的放弃了优渥的生活,踏上前往西伯利亚的旅途,发誓要和她们的丈夫们同甘共苦。
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