搜索 丹妮斯·弗拉加

  •   Diogo (17) likes to make anonymous phone calls to his psychoanalyst mother’s patients. That’s how he meets Angela (43), who had just been left by her husband. Although she is first irritated by learning about Diogo and his secret, Angela feels attracted and he brings a new sense to her life. Feeling a true bond between each other, Angela and Diogo fall in love. Yet, they have to face disagreement of his parents and fight for their relationship.
  • 提托是个害羞的十岁男孩,和母亲住在一起。突然间,一种闻所未闻的流行病开始蔓延——人们只要感到恐惧,就会生病。疫情蔓延全城,社会陷入恐慌之中,传染病愈发肆虐。提托很快发现这种病的治疗方法与他失踪的父亲对鸟叫声的研究有关。他和朋友们——坚强无畏的莎拉、朴实而谦逊的布伊、傲慢却乐于助人的富家子弟提奥以及他的跟班——开始了一段拯救世界的旅程。提托对于解药的研究过程也是寻找失踪的父亲和个人身份的过程,而提托与朋友、家人及对手之间的关系也是影片中的吸睛之处。
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