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  •   苏珊娜(Kristin Scott Thomas 克里斯汀·斯科特·托马斯 饰)是个拥有优渥生活的中年妇女,她的丈夫是小有名气的牙医,并且正在慢慢涉足政治仕途,她有一双乖巧儿女,刚刚十几岁需要照顾,她自己也在努力重返事业——成为理疗师。这样的生活似乎可以永久持续下去,但一切随着伊万(Sergi López 饰)的到来土崩瓦解。伊万是个随处打工的西班牙建筑工人,帮苏珊娜家扩建工作室时与她相识,很快,苏珊娜对伊万产生一股莫名的欲望,以探伤为借口追随他到西班牙,很快燃起干柴烈火的激情。不可遏制的二人秘密相会,直到苏珊娜决意抛弃妻子与伊万私奔,完全不顾她盛怒的丈夫动用一切政治关系切断她的经济来源……
  • 一个插科打诨的小偷和一群不太走运的冒险者共同参与了一场惊天盗窃计划,他们要找回遗失已久的圣物。但当他们招惹了不该惹的人,事情开始向着危险且错误的方向发展下去。
  • Madagascar, au tournant des années 1960 et des années 1970. Sur une base aérienne de l’armée fran?aise, les militaires vivent les dernières années insouciantes di colonialisme. Influencé par ses lectures de Fant?mette, Thomas, un enfant qui n’a pas encore 10 ans, se forge progressivement un regard sur le monde qui l’entoure…
  • Lauren Pierce has just become the high-school Tri-State Archery Champion. After the competition, Lauren and her teammate Emily return to their hotel room for a night of irresponsible celebratory drinking that grows into more. When interrupted by Emily's abusive boyfriend, Lauren snaps and brutally beats Daniel. Lauren is then sentenced to a girls' reform camp Paradise Ridge, nestled in the mountains of California. But this reform camp turns out to be a corrupt and twisted prison that breaks young girls and keeps parents in the dark .With the help of Rebecca, a strong and provocative young woman whom Lauren befriends, the two escape the unsafe facility and fight for their lives out in the Utah wilderness; a journey of growth, acceptance and resilience of what they believe is right.
  • “动作”杰克森是正直勇敢的底特律警官,残忍的汽车大王德拉派恩为害一方,杰克森决意与他一斗到aaa。德拉派恩的妻子派崔西认清了丈夫的本来面目却不幸被杀。歌女阿西与杰克森萍水相逢,并决意帮助杰克森,正义的序幕被拉开了...