搜索 安娜

  •   To Elena, existence is an effort—not only does she struggle against her body affected by Parkinson’s, but her daughter has just shown up dead and only she finds the suicide hypothesis implausible. Elena is not a good victim, and doesn’t show signs of having been a selfless mother. She is vulnerable, but also overcome by rage and sorrow, and that stubbornness seems to render her invincible, against all odds. But investigating the reasons for her daughter’s death soon becomes a trip through memory, and, as we’ve known since the time of Greek tragedies, every investigation is, deep down, an investigation about oneself. Elena Knows submerges us in the physical and mental experience of its protagonist and, at the same time, invites us to ask ourselves uncomfortable questions about aging, the complexity of mother-daughter bonds and the weight of those mandates women drag the same way Elena drags her feet.
  • 某国残暴的独裁者(萨莎·拜伦·科恩饰)来到美国纽约参加一个联合国会议,结果发现自己不在国内的时候被二号人物顶替--这个独裁者一直信任的哥们外形像个牧羊人。流落纽约有家难回的独裁者偶遇了漂亮的有机食物店店主(安娜·法瑞丝饰),她让他对压迫、对自己的生活道路都有了新的认识。
  • 近未来,人类的各种器官均可实现移植,一时间机器人、生化人、仿生人充斥世间,与人类真假莫辨。某座繁华都市的大厦内,汉卡公司高管正与非洲来宾洽谈业务,突然宴会变成血腥大屠杀,暴走的机器人大开杀戒。隶属公安九课的米拉·基里安少佐(斯嘉丽·约翰逊 Scarlett Johansson 饰)带领巴特(皮鲁·埃斯贝克 Pilou Asb?k 饰)等手下赶往现场,平息事态。根据对暴走艺伎机器人的调查发现,被称作“久世”的神秘之人策划了这一系列的行动,而且他的目标全部指向了掌握着生化前沿尖端科技的汉卡公司及其研发人员。经过一番凶险的周旋,少佐逐渐逼近真相,同时也渐渐解开了发生在自己身上的惊天秘密……   本片根据士郎正宗的经典原作改编。
  •   设定在纽约,讲述有关多代人的故事:一位作曲家文思枯竭,在经历了一次冒险的一夜情后,他重新发现了自己的激情;一对天资聪慧的青少年努力向父母证明他们年轻的爱恋是可以永恒的;一个看似拥有一切的女人发现爱情降临在最意想不到的地方。