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  • 世上看似没有联系的事情其实都有着千丝万缕的关系,《追梦》以小孩对披萨饼的渴望为主线,又讲述了一个母亲对自己丈夫回家的期待和一个不良青年不劳而获的白日梦。影片中的两个小孩对本地新开的披萨店特别好奇,特别想吃这家店的披萨,但是因为该店的消费水平太高,小孩的家庭负担不起,两个小孩又不甘心放弃尝试,于是他们开始自己想尽办法挣钱、攒钱,就为能吃上那家店的披萨。
  • 夜总会、游乐场、霓虹灯五光十色,柬埔寨首都今夜星光灿烂。少年波拿离乡到金边新开发豪宅区“钻石岛”打工,挣血汗钱过活。意外重遇多年不见的哥哥,带他骑电单车穿梭大街小巷体验灯红酒绿。波拿告别工地好友和心仪女孩,走进目迷五色花花世界。周戴维(《金映岁月》,36 届)为柬埔寨电影打开一线窗口,写实风格描划社会底层少年成长,借蓝黄光影交错,映照纸醉金迷与坠落颓废的冷暖色温,捕捉年轻生命如何向往美好未来,却恐怕这个璀璨都市光辉到此。
  • From Joseph Conrad's great novel comes the story of a young seaman trying to helm a damaged boat to Singapore and dealing with many unfortunate events. While on command of the situation, he also devotes himself to help his failing crew and some of the boat's many passengers, some of them who are in poor health conditions.
  • Separated from his family and caught in a cycle of gambling and debt, Jim has less than a day to repay a violent loan shark. His day is turned upside down when he must look after his young. Jim's relationship with his son is tested as his plans to pay back the loan fail. When his last desperate effort to repay the debt puts his son's life at risk, he must make a choice between his past and a second chance at life.
  •   A gentle girl born and brought up amidst the ever growing eco-social-consumeristic environment finds it difficult to fit in the society. She decides to take it hard on the people. What she does is the rest of the story.