搜索 Na

  •   一个不明飞行物被军方摄影机拍到突然坠毁在西雅图的普吉特湾,而后引发了一系列极不寻常的气象和地质现象:地震、龙卷风、闪电……而且,灾害在持续蔓延中。不明飞行物上的神秘化学反应制造出一个超级风暴,令西雅图市变成人间地狱。随着风暴能量不断增强,整个北美地区都面临毁灭的危险。  西雅图正在举行反对世界贸易组织的和平抗议行动,却在一夕间演变成暴动。没多久,美国颁布国家紧急命令,街头一片混乱,会议也被迫中断。西雅图市民被困在街头,其中包括市长和镇暴警察。他们所做的决定将会永远改变一生。
  •   一家走下坡路的澳大利亚银行遇到了一个神秘的HR导师麦克斯·门科奥弗和他的自称会提高公司工作效率的改革策略——把雇员变成无自我意识的工作机器。这一切正如男主角所画的未完待续的漫画书的故事情节一样。男主角侥幸没有被下药,他试图和女主角一同打败坏角色、拯救同事并收获爱情。
  • A rookie drag queen, reeling from a break-up, escapes to the country, where he finds his grandmother in steep decline yet desperate to avoid the local nursing home.
  • A pianist named Garvey, while traveling on a tour, gets off the train to buy cigarettes, and learns from a salesgirl that the cities imagined by Grin really exist. Forgetting about his tour, he goes to one of these cities, where he meets the captain of The Waverunner... The famous bard Alexander Galich wrote the script to this film -one of the 1960s best motion pictures. The film features his wonderful songs as performed by Galich himself A ship was sailing from faraway Australia..., Things will straighten out, there's nothing to worry about...... In the 21st century, the cinema will be different; perhaps it's natural. And yet, it's a pity...
  • A talented young dancer has to learn to fight for his dream despite social and parental disapproval.