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  • Nikita, talented young dancer, enters Let's Dance competition to earn money for his brother's surgery but a brief encounter with a famous singer Liza, who hosts the competition, puts his chances of winning and even life at risk.
  • 叛逆的舞者安蒂是巴尔德摩最负盛名的舞团“410”的成员她进入艺术学校学习深造的机会,但发现很难与学校的生活相融合。她从班上召集了一帮成员,包括学校最惹火的舞者查斯组成一个舞蹈团,在得知巴尔德摩有一个名叫“TheStreets”的地下街舞比赛后,他们踌躇满志的踏上征程,结果他们所面对的对手竟然是“410”。一番真刀真枪的比拼之后安蒂终于找回了自己的梦想,同时也赢回了属于她的两个世界。
  • In the aggressive and often hostile world of youth grass roots football Adam (17) faces an ultimatum from the team captain (Mike) when they discover Adam's best friend Tom is gay.
  •   Ten years after a tidal wave destroys a small-town elementary school with all the children inside, a young man builds a mysterious structure out of the school's remains, setting the town aflame with passions long forgotten.
  • 他是天才抑或白痴?患有白血病的十七岁少年诺尔自觉比谁都聪明,不甘于平凡渺小屈从大多数人的规律;冬天的冰岛有如一座白色监狱,冰封的河川雪藏著他的青春热情,更增他内心的孤寂感。他梦想和心仪的女孩双双逃离此地,冲出牢笼,但是命运好像有心和他作对,拼命横冲直撞,换来的却是灰心失望,最后更落得一切失控,而只有付出惨烈的代价才能换到他向往的自由。这是导演卡里的首部剧情长片,对青少年的混噩成长有细腻而同情的描写,既伤感又乐天的结局更耐人寻味。