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  •   一个体育纪念品贩子运气差到谷底,他决定用这样的方式自我救赎:去找自己六年级时的队友、现在已经是NBA传奇球员的史蒂芬·库里。
  • Two years after their basketball victory, Los Amigos is reunited by Cecilia, an inexperienced but optimistic coach. Against all odds they find themselves participating in a worldwide watched eSports tournament.
  • Set in 1978, the film marks the fourth joint effort between Monzón and Jorge Guerricaechevarría, and tells the action-packed, adrenaline-fuelled story of 17-year-old Nacho Cañas, an introverted student who lives in Girona and who is something of a misfit. When he meets El Zarco and Tere, young delinquents from the city’s Chinatown district, he gets caught up in a love triangle that leads him to indulge in an unrelenting onslaught of thievery, burglary and hold-ups that will change his life forever. The film is the chronicle of the summer during which Nacho experienced his first love and came of age, constantly crossing the boundary between two worlds, and overstepping the line that exists between right and wrong, between justice and injustice.
  •   故事背景设定在上海滩的三十年代。一个聪明机智的美国小伙,戈登(西恩·潘 Sean Penn 饰),远渡重洋来到中国,寻找能够发财的机会。与此同时,格格里亚(麦当娜 Madonna 饰)则是一个坚定的传教士护士,她怀揣着希望通过鸦片的神奇力量来缓解病人的痛苦。两人的命运在一次偶然的相遇中交汇,从而走到了一起。他们的目标是寻找一批失踪的鸦片,而这个任务将他们卷入与当地毒贩和黑社会的激烈斗争之中。与此同时,浪漫的爱情故事也在这个紧张的背景下展开。  传说中,上海的鸦片大王费拉第去世后,一大批鸦片被仆人吴中树偷走,下落成谜。一年后,为了帮助受伤的士兵,教会的伯恩斯和助手泰拉克小姐决定找到这批鸦片,以止痛。他们寻求了葛兰登韦西的协助。然而,韦西在找到费拉第的情妇中国娃娃后遭到了假冒警察的歹徒梅健的袭击,并遭到严刑逼问。受到打击后,韦西原本想放弃,但因与泰拉克小姐之间渐生的感情而改变主意,决定继续帮助她。