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  •   The Power of Emotion explains that emotion isn't to be confused with sentimentality. Emotion is ancient and more powerful than any art form. The film looks at young couples who run into difficulties as they try to translate their experiences of love into clear decision-making. A woman who has shot her husband provides a judge with a puzzle. Those who love can bring the dead back to life by means of co-operation. That's the focus of the opera, "The Power Plant of Emotions" and the "Opera of the 20th Century" cinema.  Alexander Kluge: The Power of Feeling  When I started working on The Power of Feeling, I was not in a rational state. I did not say, I have a subject and now I will make a film about it. Instead I was spellbound and observed in my direct surroundings, for example, how feelings move. I have not really dealt with the theme of my mother's death and the fact that she was the one who taught me "how feelings move." Nor have I dealt with how she died. That was an entire palette of feelings: "All feelings believe in a happy end," and everyone believes tacitly that they will live forever: The entire palette is somehow optimistic, a positive attitude towards life having been put on the agendaas long as she was young, as long as her body held out, from one day to the next she collapsed. She just suddenly collapsed, like in an opera where disaster takes the stage in the fifth act. It felt as if I had observed an air raid or a disaster.  The film The Power of Feeling is not about feelings, but rather their organization: how they can be organized by chance, through outside factors, murder, destiny; how they are organized, how they encounter the fortune they are seeking.What is all this organization of feelings about? Generally feelings tend to be a dictatorship. It is a dictatorship of the moment. The strong feeling I am having right now suppresses the others. For thoughts this would not be the case. One thought attracts others like a magnet. People therefore need affirmation by other people to be sure about their own feelings (to counteract the acquisition of their feelings through outside forces). Through the interaction of many people, for example, in public, the various feelings also have a magnetic attraction to one another just like thoughts do. Feelings communicate through their manifestation in public.  The cinema is the public seat of feelings in the 20th century. The organization is set up thusly: Even sad feelings have a happy outcome in the cinema. It is about finding comfort: In the 19th century the opera house was the home to feelings. An overwhelming majority of operas had a tragic end. You observed a victim.  I am convinced that there is a more adventuresome combination: Feelings in both the opera and traditional cinema are powerless in the face of destiny's might. In the 20th century feelings barricaded themselves behind this comfort, in the 19th century they entrenched themselves in the validity of the lethal seriousness.
  •   世界七大经济强权领袖齐聚一堂,准备召开闭门会议,为应对全球危机起草联合宣言。没想到正事还没谈上几句,七人就在迷雾笼罩的森林中迷失了方向。随着夜幕降临,不明声响、诡异影动,让平时冷静从容、优雅有礼的领袖们渐渐失去理智。当他们在森林深处撞见令人瞠目结舌的怪奇景象,如何全身而退成为这群人唯一重要的课题⋯⋯
  • Amazon拿下Jenny Han的YA小说《我变美的那夏天 The Summer I Turned Pretty》(《致所有我曾爱过的男孩 To All the Boys I've Loved Before》作者的另一作品)改编权,并准备弄成一部8集剧,作者本人会负责首集剧本。   《我变美的那夏天》是部多代电视剧,剧情包括女主与两兄弟之间的三角恋,亦有各个母亲和自己子女的关系及女性友谊的题材。
  • 本剧是一部职场惊悚剧,故事发生在希望将工作与生活的平衡提升至新水平的Lumen公司,一名有着黑暗过往的员工马克(斯科特饰)试图让自己重新振作起来。沃肯将饰演Lumen公司光学和设计部主管。剧集由丹·埃里克森撰写剧本,共10集。
  • 故事发生在《新蝙蝠侠》事件的一周后。讲述企鹅人(科林·法瑞尔 Colin Farrell 饰)于哥谭市地下社会的崛起经历。