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  • 惊悚悬疑影集《意外真相》讲述一名男子在爱妻惨遭杀害之后,踏上黑暗的旅程,不计一切代价,要查出她横死的真相。《意外真相》将在今年夏天强袭 Netflix。
  • 故事发生在90年代的纽约,结束研究生学业后,梦想成为作家的乔安娜(玛格丽特·奎利饰)被玛格丽特(西格妮·韦弗饰)雇佣为助手,后者是J·D·塞林格(J.D.Salinger)的文学经纪人,以保守和老派著称。乔安娜白天在一间豪华的木镶板办公室里工作,晚上和她信仰社 会主义的男友在布鲁克林一间破旧的公寓里过夜。她的主要工作内容是处理塞林格大量书迷的邮件。当细细阅读来自世界各地令人心碎的信件时,她不愿意用格式化和没有人情味的回复去搪塞书迷,并冲动地开始带着自己的感情回复邮件。这些邮件既幽默又感人,乔安娜在借用伟大作家的声音说话时,同时探索着属于自己的声音。
  • The exact details of what took place while Talib Ben Hassi, 19, was in police custody remain unclear. Police officers Jens and Mike are on routine patrol in Svaleg?rden’s ghetto when news of Talib’s death comes in over the radio, igniting uncontrollable pent-up rage in the ghetto’s youth who lust for revenge. Suddenly, the two officers find themselves in a fair game and must fi...
  •   二战末期,德国纳粹的攻势渐显疲态。位于法国的某纳粹集中营内,德国军官为鼓舞士气,同时打击盟军的气焰,竟别出心裁地想出了一场国际足球赛。由兵强马壮的德国队,对抗羸弱不堪的国际战俘队。前英国国脚科尔比(迈克尔·凯恩 Michael Caine 饰)认为这是绝佳的越狱良机,于是欣然接受德军 的提议。  科比一方面网罗足球方面的人才,抓紧训练,一面委派美国人哈奇(Sylvester Stallone 史泰龙 饰)逃出集中营,联络巴黎的地下组织,准备在比赛那天里应外合,集体越狱。比赛的日子逐渐临近,他们最终能否成功?
  •   Procida, a little Island in the gulf of Naples. Last days of summer. The adolescence of Domenico is coming to an end, just like his tormented relationship with Marcello. Domenico looks for hospitality at Antonios house, his best friend, but soon he finds himself alone with the thirteen years old Antonios brother Lallo. A journey of discovery starts, between adolescence and maturity. The meeting with Sara, a transsexual woman, will bring to light the desires of the two young boys.