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  • Kevin, a charismatic skater, decides to steal the plan of a dangerous gang to rob seven million dollars from the airport and give his girlfriend Génesis, the life she deserves. The rest of the team consists of Pantera, Mística and Panda, who join this adventure.
  • One night on a deserted street, Pierre (Olivier Martin of Rollin's LA VIOL DU VAMPIRE) runs into a scantily clad mute young woman (Caroline Cartier) who is being pursued by men in tuxedos and bizarre animal masks who kidnap her and take her back to a townhouse that belongs to Pierre's father, industrialist Georges Radamante (Maurice Lema?tre) who warns Pierre to mind his own bu...
  • 《恐怖勋章》倒霉的乔治对妻子黛西(Jeanie Wishes 饰)谎称自己战死,死后他奉妻子的老爹兼长官之命营救黛西,拒绝的话将被送往最血腥残酷的前线。在密林深处,他遭遇了纳粹敌人顽强的反击,千钧一发时刻,更被一名纳粹僵尸空降兵袭击;《哈莉特的战争》英国某乡村发生残酷诡异的杀人事件,美丽的赏金猎人哈莉特·普莱斯(Lara Lemon 饰)受邀前来,在地方警察琼斯(Cy Henty 饰)的协助下展开调查,她警告村民小心门户,免遭邪恶生物袭击。不久,一度失踪的另一名女受害者出现,向众人宣告了恐怖预言;《闪电战恶魔》战乱年代,一家三口躲在房间内惶惶不可终日。威胁他们生命的不仅有战火,还有恐怖的嗜血恶魔……
  •   杰克是一名正直的退役赛车手,他的弟弟瑞恩因欠下一笔巨款,连累到了已退出赛车界的哥哥杰克。杰克为了救瑞恩,不得不去参加一场亡命之徒拉力赛来替瑞恩还债……
  • 在一个偏远的小镇在爱尔兰,11岁的粒雪发现自己的唯一幸存者的血腥大屠杀,杀害她的父母和弟弟。怀疑一群杀气腾腾的破坏者,警察忽略Neve解释这房子是罪魁祸首。帮助缓解她的创伤,尽职尽责的邻居Nat和卢卡斯带她在与监督的社会工作者。冰原已经很难找到和平与健康和培养夫妇,和可怕的危险继续清单。