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  •   朱莉·哈特回归执导,格蕾丝·万德沃尔回归主演,迈克尔·潘操刀续集影片的原创音乐,哈特与约旦·霍洛维茨共同操刀剧本。续集影片将围绕星星女孩进入一个更大的充满了音乐、梦想和可能性的世界展开。瑟曼将饰演洛葛仙妮·马特尔,星星女孩在她的旅途中遇到了马特尔,并对其非常欣赏。
  •   马丁一出生就是个盲人,为了证实别人告诉自己的话是否都是事实,他从10岁起便开始坚持不懈地用手中的照相机拍照。为了证明自己未被欺骗,也为了证明自己的存在。在一次邂逅之后,平凡的厨师安迪成了他最信赖的人,尽管他们的友情也经历了种种考验。
  •   一个名叫Stella的年轻女子被*迫在“自我”的吸血鬼Edward和“好色”的狼人Jacob间选择。哪个男孩能满足Stella更亲密的需求得到演出。期盼大量的笑话,不适合年轻的Taylor Lautner影迷。  A comedic spoof based on the worldwide phenomenon, The Twilight Saga.  Raunchy hilarity ensues when Bella's life becomes threatened by the vengeful Victoria and her gang of bloodsucking newborns, and Edward and Jacob must put aside their differences in order to save Bella's life.  The love triangle of mortals, vampires and werewolves must be cast aside when the beloved Bella is in danger. Again. This time a gang of bloodsucking newborns threatens her life, and the two loves of her life are forced to put their differences aside to save her. Again.  From the director who brought you “The 41 Year Old Virgin Who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall and Felt Super Bad About it” comes the new wildly funny spoof of the latest films from the “Twilight Saga”: “New Moon” and “Eclipse”. Raunchy hilarity ensures when Bella’s life becomes threatened by the vengeful Victoria and her gang of blood sucking newborns and Edward and Jacob must put aside their differences in order to save her life ?From the director who brought you “The 41 Year Old Virgin Who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall and Felt Super Bad About it” comes the new wildly funny spoof of the latest films from the “Twilight Saga"
  •   一位美国尼泊尔裔的印度教穆斯林混血男孩要绕道前往加德满都,寻找他认为已加入叙利亚战争的父亲,但他与当地一名唐人的道德战争观念不同却无意中杀死了他的祖父,这使他认识了他真实的生活面貌,并在此过程中,他重新与自己忘记的喜马拉雅民族的根源文化和传统联系起来。
  • 小蜜蜂“玛雅”充满了对外面世界的好奇,决定和好朋友“威利”飞出蜂巢,一探究竟。   在路上,结识了新朋友小黄蜂,可是“玛雅”怎知蜜蜂与黄蜂,为了争夺花粉,素来是天敌。   面对蜜蜂家园里,篡夺蜂后王位、嫁祸黄蜂军团的阴谋,面对一触即发的族群大战,在这险象环生的大草地里,正义善良的小蜜蜂“玛雅”,能否解开谜团,勇敢前行?