搜索 丹娜

  • 一对夫妇在被暴徒控制的中西部地带,只有通过与之斗争才能回家的故事,影片将于6月29日北美上映。
  • 在德州某屠宰场,肥胖的女工正在案板切肉,突然感到腹中剧痛,原来身怀有孕的她羊水已破,产下一个畸形儿,遗弃在垃圾箱,后来被清洁工救起。N年后,一群年轻人驾车路过这里。刚从越南前线归来的艾瑞克(马修?波莫 Matthew Bomer 饰)刚与未婚妻克莉希(乔丹娜?布鲁斯特 Jordana Brewster 饰)团聚,就得知弟弟迪恩(泰勒?汉德雷 Taylor Handley 饰)又要去前线,他本想陪弟弟共赴沙场。但迪安在女友贝莉(迪奥拉?拜尔德 Diora Baird 饰)的劝说下准备将入伍证烧掉,他们为此产生了争执。这时,他们遭到了飙车党挑衅。后来,为首的女孩竟然被警察击毙。警察霍伊特(R?李?艾尔米 R. Lee Ermey 饰)拦住了他们的车子,把他们带到了令人毛骨悚然的屠宰场,开始了惨无人道的折磨……
  •   Dreamy animated images in detailed henna painting and atmospheric watercolours dominate a young Spanish artist’s moving journey of discovery. In a small bookshop in India, Inés comes across the feminist-utopian science fiction story “Sultana’s Dream.” It is about the terrible revenge on men, the bookseller explains. In the slim volume she wrote in 1905, Rokeya Hossain describes the fantasy realm of Ladyland – a land in which women are self-determined and live in peace, in which they run all government affairs and all forms of education are open to them. And the men? Their place in Ladyland, the bookseller continues, is where they belong: locked up at home.  Fascinated by the literary “painting” of this place and its inventor, Inés sets out in the footsteps of the writer and teacher Hossain, who championed education and equal rights for Indian girls and women as early as the beginning of the 20th century. The trip takes the Spaniard across contemporary India. Her companions are the dreams of Ladyland – and the utterly different realities of the lives of the women she meets on her journey.
  •   亚当斯庄园里住着一个典型哥特式家庭。戈梅斯(劳尔·朱力亚 Raul Julia饰)和妻子(安杰丽卡·休斯顿 Anjelica Huston饰)终年生活在这里,到处弥漫阴郁腐败的气息。二人感情如蜜,有一双喜欢玩谋杀游戏的儿女。戈梅斯的心里,却埋藏着一个伤疤。那就是他曾经和哥哥费斯特失和,费斯特已经失踪25年,戈梅特仍然放不下对哥哥的惦念。  一心要夺取亚当斯庄园和这里的财富的母亲有一个儿子戈登(克里斯托弗·洛伊德 Christopher Lloyd饰),貌相跟费斯特相向。于是,一场阴谋上演了,她教唆戈登佯装费斯特潜入亚当斯庄园,利用戈梅斯的兄弟情一步一步地夺取庄园。  果然,戈登的到来不仅使戈梅斯大为惊喜,他渐渐融入这里的家庭生活,戈梅斯一家也随之陷入危险的泥沼中。当他们被夺走家产,凄苦沦落时,事情又有了峰回路转的变化。
  •   麻坛传奇人物,千场不败,无冕之王——三叔,大三元(刘可饰)从麻坛退役之后开了一间棋牌室,并抚养大哥天和至尊的儿子核桃(孙振鹏饰)长大成人。核桃很有麻将天赋,但是由于父亲是被麻将气死的,三叔执意不让核桃碰有关麻将的东西,更不允许他赌博。怎料一日外国高手史密斯向中国选手发起挑战,而三叔因为旧情气得卧床不起。四叔金手指(小米饰)接过培养核桃替三叔报仇的重任,核桃不负众望顺利出师,要和史密斯一决高下,却不料想牵出了一段麻坛几十年的恩怨情仇……