搜索 Yin

  • After her son is jailed, a Chinese mother with high expectations struggles to protect her family's remaining reputation by parenting her independent daughter, whom she must seek shelter from in the U.S. with her son's two unmanageable adolescents.
  • 以民国时期江城为背景,讲述书画世家身份的中共情报员严雨墨(肖雨 饰),在打入国民党内部后,结识江城内八面玲珑的青年辜新城(许睿浩 饰)。两人周旋于各方势力之间,运用传统书画h技巧,抽丝剥茧。历经生死考验,仍坚守心中理想,在信仰的指引下完成了成长与蜕变。
  •   以民国时期江城为背景,讲述书画世家身份的中共情报员严雨墨(肖雨 饰),在打入国民党内部后,结识江城内八面玲珑的青年辜新城(许睿浩 饰)。两人周旋于各方势力之间,运用传统书画h技巧,抽丝剥茧。历经生死考验,仍坚守心中理想,在信仰的指引下完成了成长与蜕变。
  • 一个潦倒半生的女孩玛雅有天得知自己在乡下原来有间大屋,于是想借着卖屋大赚一笔。但当她与好友阿丁回到这条偏远的村落时,却发现人烟稀少怪事重重,更浑然不知村民一直在找她,为的就是杀死她来解除肆虐多年的恶咒。在她奋力逃生之际,自己的身世之谜亦慢慢浮面….
  • Eighty people from totally diverse backgrounds suddenly find themselves in an undisclosed location where they are expected to compete in a race with simple rules, "If you are lapped twice, you die. If you step off the path, you die. Race… or die."   Many will start but only one may cross the finish line alive. Eighty individuals are chosen by an anonymous being, who instantly dis...