搜索 Du

  •   捣蛋男孩Toy被困在时间循环里,无论他做什么,他总是会回到12月31日早晨。他遇到了同样被时间困住的女孩Vee,两人一起在不断重复的一天中寻找隐藏的完美时刻。他们变得越来越亲密,尽管Vee似乎对Toy有所隐瞒。事情很快变得复杂,Toy被迫处理家庭问题,与此同时Vee努力应对个人困境,这是她瞒着Toy的秘密。两人在相互矛盾的愿望之间左右为难,Toy想逃离时间循环,而Vee想永远留在其中。最终他们意识到摆脱循环的方法不是逆时间而行,而是接受并珍惜拥有的每一天。
  • 一位得州高中教师,在不断变化的规则下,努力平衡学生和家长相互冲突的需求。
  •   一位得州高中教师,在不断变化的规则下,努力平衡学生和家长相互冲突的需求。
  •   Katherine of Alexandria, brought up as a nomad and living in the desert, was aged just 11 when Emperor Maxentius saw her whilst out on patrol. Consumed by her beauty, impudence and uncanny talent for languages, he abducted the child, killing her family. The slaughter was witnessed by her young friend, Constantine, who would later become Emperor of the Western Roman Empire. He never lost hope of finding Katherine. As a young woman, Katherine refused to submit to Maxentius' offers of marriage and she continually denounced his brutal enforcement of pagan religion upon the masses. Still obsessed with her beauty, Maxentius brought Katherine before 50 of Rome's finest scholars in an open court in Alexandria, where she eloquently demolished their arguments. When Constantine learned of Katherine's whereabouts and imprisonment at the hands of Maxentius, he led his army from York in a desperate bid to save her.
  • 前送货特工巴布和耶苏作为特工开始了一项惊心动魄的任务,以幽默、惊喜和不间断的兴奋面对非凡的挑战。