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  •   Set in Nigeria, Oloture is the story of a young, naive Nigerian journalist who goes undercover to expose the shady underworld of human trafficking. Unused to this brutal environment, crawling with ruthless traders and pimps, Oloture finds warmth and friendship with Blessing, Linda and Beauty, the prostitutes she lives with. However, she gets drawn into their lifestyle and finds it difficult to cope. In her quest to uncover the truth, she pays the ultimate price - one that takes her to the verge of no return.
  • 在19世纪中叶传统的贸易小镇波尔图,自傲的富家公子奥古斯托是作家卡米洛的朋友,他爱上了英国军官的小女儿范妮。面对周遭阻挠和几场分分合合之后,他们终于得以结婚。但婚后,奥古斯托因范妮与卡米洛通信而冷落范妮。之后,范妮因肺结核病倒,在压抑孤独的婚后生活中走向死亡。奥古斯托因命运的磨难,很快就跟随了芬妮的步伐。本片是奥利维拉登峰造极之作,以静止大胆的手法讲述时代变迁社会风起云涌之际贵族间的毁灭式的爱情,以及贵族男所特有扣逼唯美人格。
  •   The story of a five year old little rebellious girl Vitka with her teenage cousin Larysa and her boyfriend, the young criminal Scar unfolds in a Ukrainian provincial setting. Larysa finds herself at a crossroads after the death of her father. Yearning to be self made, the village community ostracizes her for loving Scar. Larysa discovers her grandmother once sacrificed her love for a young gypsy abandoning him for traditional values and other people's opinions. Larysa's mother is too psychologically weak to support her daughter. Larysa and Scar plan to escape from a life of crime, misery and their relatives. But are they ready to pay the full price for freedom?
  •   故事发生在东德刚刚解体的这个节骨眼上。里科(朱利斯•尼兹舒寇夫 Julius Nitschkoff 饰)、丹尼尔(梅林•罗斯 Merlin Rose 饰)、保罗(Frederic Haselon 饰)和马克(乔尔•巴斯曼Joel Basman 饰)是成长在这个动荡的特殊时刻的四位青年。他们用他们各自特殊的方式来疯狂的挥霍青春。  在经历的一系列疯狂的体验之后,四人合伙开了一家迪斯科舞厅,哪知道没开多久便被新纳粹青少年给霸占了。与此同时,里科依然保留着他想要成为拳击手的梦想,丹尼尔则对漂亮的莱比锡(露比•欧菲Ruby O. Fee 饰)一往情深。当他们的命运被时代车轮裹挟前进时,每个人会走上一条怎样的道路呢?