搜索 Charles

  •   记者威利(弗雷德里克·马奇 Fredric March 饰)正在经历他职场生涯中最大的危机,如果不能出现一个契机令他力挽狂澜,那么他就将一蹶不振。就在这个节骨眼上,一个名叫哈泽尔(卡洛·朗白 Carole Lombard 饰)的女孩出现在了威利的视野里,这个女孩受到了严重的核辐射,时日无多。威利决定利用她剩下的最后的日子带她进城见见世面,顺便再以此为题材写几篇催人泪下的新闻出来。  哪知道哈泽尔实际上并没有受到核辐射,身体强壮的很呢。但是这个姑娘决定暂时隐瞒这一事实,先去纽约好好的玩一通再说。就这样,威利和哈泽尔踏上了他们充满了谎言和利益的旅途。
  • An insane man first loves then grows to hate his neighbor, an old man whose penetrating gaze unnerves the insane man. He plans a perfect crime and executes it one night. The next day, two officers knock on the insane man's door, investigating a shriek heard in the night. The insane man invites them in, answers their questions, and submits to an examination of his eyes by one of the officers, who proclaims him innocent. The insane man invites them to stay and relax awhile, then regales them with his theories of crime. His heart begins to beat louder. Angles on the set are skewed to suggest the man's internal disarray.
  • 可爱的母海豚温特如今已经成为了全美国家喻户晓的明星动物了,和小主人索亚以及管理员卡梅伦博士一起,温特在克里尔沃特海洋馆里安了家,时不时进行一场愉快的表演,收获观众们的赞美与掌声本以为曾经的风波已经远去,美好的生活即将继续,就在这个节骨眼上,美国农业部发布的一条规定令索亚一行人再度陷入了困扰之中。规定中,温特唯有找到伴侣才能够继续留在海洋馆,否则的话,它将被放回大海,回归自然。就这样,卡梅伦博士开始忙起了为温特“相亲”的事宜,哪知道这件事情真正做起来却是如此的困难。
  • Bouzid’s sophomore film details the sexual awakening of Ahmed, a young French man of Algerian origins. His encounters with Farah, recently arrived from Tunis, paired with Arab erotic literature, forces him to reexamine his understanding of himself.
  •   "A Christmas Carol" turns into "A Christmas Corral" as the animals of Woodsley's Farm help Oliver and his little sister June stage the classic tale to shock their Dad into embracing the spirit of the holidays.