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  • BBC Four has acquired Hidden Assets from DCD Rights, a new international crime drama shot in Ireland and Belgium starring Angeline Ball.   A routine raid led by Emer Berry, (Ball) a detective in the Irish Criminal Assets Bureau, reveals that a small-time drug dealer has been receiving substantial funding from a seemingly untraceable source – not in cash, but in rough diamonds.   Wh...
  • 世界最着名的无上装艳舞俱乐部、巴黎的“疯马”再度登上银幕。由82岁的美国纪录片名导弗雷德里克‧韦斯曼执导的《疯马歌舞秀》威尼斯、多伦多和圣巴斯蒂安电影节上映。影片从年轻的舞蹈家PhilippeDecouflé被聘用为新节目编舞开始,向人们展示了“疯马”是如何运作的,以及从舞女到经理、看门大妈等形形色色的人物。韦斯曼是美国60年代“直接电影”运动的主要人物,他的镜头不流露主观性,并且摈弃了采访或者旁白,都是通过海量的拍摄素材在剪辑室里“诞生”一部电影。《疯马歌舞秀》也是这样,影片活色生香,让观众接受了一番美胸和大腿的洗礼,丝毫不会顾忌女权主义者的目光。1996年法国人自己也拍过一部纪录片《疯马秀》,该片因为有着后来走入了主流时尚界的蒂塔‧范‧提斯而值得特别的瞻仰。
  • 一部透過嶄新角度深入探討愛情、家庭和社區等主題的電影。故事講述 Thomas 看到其養子與生母團聚並知道另一半要出差多月後,正式重新展開與朋友、家人和過去聯繫的旅程,並由此重新了解家庭與同志身份的真正意義,領悟婚姻和養育孩子是否同志伴侶的最終選擇…
  •   Thou Gild'st the Evenis about the ordinary sorrows, worries, and troubles of the townsmen with extraordinary abilities. In a small Anatolian town, life goes on; Cemal is an assistant referee in football matches, Yasemin works in an egg factory, Defne is a street vendor who sells books, Doctor Irfan is occupied with his patients. In this town with two suns and three full moons in the sky, Cemal -who can see through walls- has no expectation out of life and looks for a way out with Yasemin -who can move objects remotely with her fingers- as he was trying to deal with his distress. However, Defne, who can freeze time will muddle things up; Yasemin's immortal boss's actions will contradict the invisible elementary school teacher's advices who is trying to ease the worries of Cemal.  —iksv