- 因为诈骗罪,约翰尼(阿尔·帕西诺 Al Pacino 饰)面临着为期一年半的牢狱之灾,出狱之后,无处可去的约翰尼被餐馆老板尼克(赫克托·埃里仲杜 Hector Elizondo 饰)收留,成为了一名厨师。餐馆的女侍应生弗兰基(米歇尔·菲佛 Michelle Pfeiffer 饰)吸引了约翰尼的目光,很快,约翰尼就对弗兰基展开了热烈的攻势。 一次美妙的约会之后,约翰尼和弗兰基共度了充满了激情的一夜,可是,第二天,弗兰基冷淡的态度无疑是一盆冷水浇在了还处于甜蜜和幸福之中的约翰尼的头上。原来,弗兰基在上一段感情之中饱受伤害,痛苦的她为了自保封闭了内心。但约翰尼并没有就此而放弃,他的温柔和耐心终于打动了弗兰基,两人终成眷属。
- Set during the Blitz in 1940s London. After writing twelve Poirot novels in six years, Agatha Christie should be a rich woman. Instead she’s struggling to make ends meet. As the money runs out, Agatha concocts a plan to kill off her most famous creation and sell the manuscript to a superfan. When Agatha’s would-be-buyer suffers a heart attack, it seems unfortunate but benign. W...