搜索 Gu

  •   Julián finds love and a reason for living in the last place imaginable: the Dominican Republic's Najayo Prison. His romance, with fellow prisoner Yanelly, must develop through sign language and without the knowledge of dozens of guards.
  •   Julia is a mother, or rather, one of many mothers, sisters, daughters, colleagues, who have had their lives torn apart by the widespread violence in a country waging a war against its women. Julia is searching for Ger, her daughter. And in her search, she will weave through the stories and struggles of the different women she will meet.
  • Matt, an influencer and young parent to newborn Julius, discovers a dark secret from his dementing father's past. He starts an in-depth investigation, which consequently opens a Pandora's box of secrets and unravels more family dramas than anticipated. Matt's wife, Liv, is deeply concerned and will do everything in her power not to lose him, but is it too late..?
  • 曾经是一名警察的汉斯(汉斯·希尔斯缪勒 Hans Hirschmüller 饰)因为被妓女诬陷而丢掉了工作,为了糊口,心怀大志的他不得不成为了一名水果小贩。汉斯无法取得心爱姑娘的父母的信任和赏识,已经到了成家年龄的他最终娶了名叫伊尔姆加特(伊尔姆·海尔曼 Irm Her mann 饰)的女人。  自打结婚后,汉斯的人生正式走上的下坡路,伊尔姆加特的粗暴和无礼为汉斯的不如意雪上加霜。汉斯得了心脏病,在住院期间,独守空房的伊尔姆加特耐不住寂寞,和邻居安策尔(Karl Scheydt 饰)之间发生了不道德的关系。出院后的汉斯已经无力再沿街叫卖水果了,改为摆水果摊。一次偶然中,他与战友哈里(Klaus Löwitsch 饰)重逢了,尽管哈里给汉斯一家带来了不少的快乐,但他依旧无法阻止汉斯走向绝望。
  •   新任狱警胡安(Alberto Ammann 饰)为展示良好职业风貌,提前一天入狱体验工作。而在这一天里,犯人头目“恶母”击伤狱警,带领犯人暴动,监狱陷入了一片混乱……胡安因受伤被同伴丢弃在211囚室,为了避免被犯人们当做人质,他只得乔装罪犯,谋取恶母的信任,试图寻找脱身机会。犯人们以监狱中的三名刑期百年以上的“埃塔”恐怖分子要挟官方答应他们的谈判条件,因政府与埃塔方面有协议在先,监狱方与特别行动组投鼠忌器,迟迟不能强攻,致使局势僵持。另一方面,监狱暴动经媒体报道后引起连锁反应,家属们纷纷来到监狱探听消息,却遭到狱警们的毒打,胡安怀有身孕的妻子不幸受伤,而这让本欲确保自己脱身并协助狱方平息事端的胡安做出了疯狂的举动……  本片横扫2009年西班牙戈雅奖最佳电影、导演、男主角等八个主要奖项。