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  •   The tightly scripted world of a vlogger and influencer unravels as postpartum depression, a lack of support from those in her orbit, and her baby's apparent hostility all mount
  •   影片讲述在种族偏见根深蒂固的美国南方小镇,白人男主人公汉克(比利·鲍勃·汤顿 饰)与黑人妇女莱茜娅(哈莉·贝瑞饰)一段纠缠在死亡与种族歧视下的爱情故事。汉克生长在极端种族主义的保守白人家庭,深受父亲影响。在父亲退休后,汉克接手负责执行死刑。在刚刚处死了一个黑人死囚后,汉克意想不到的邂逅了他的妻子莱茜娅。很快,两人坠入情网。可在种族观念保守僵化的环境下,这不可思议的命运交集,会像舞蹈般缠绵动人还是举步维艰呢?  本片女主角哈莉·贝瑞荣获第74届奥斯卡金像奖(2002)最佳女主角。
  • 一个贵妇被暴力侵入后,心理上发生的一些变化,塞西莉亚陷入了一个严重的性成瘾中,特别热衷于派对,然后失控,最后在丈夫朋友帮助下,回到丈夫身边的经历!
  • A group of lakeside visitors who are terrorised by an ancient vampiric evil.
  • Lauren Pierce has just become the high-school Tri-State Archery Champion. After the competition, Lauren and her teammate Emily return to their hotel room for a night of irresponsible celebratory drinking that grows into more. When interrupted by Emily's abusive boyfriend, Lauren snaps and brutally beats Daniel. Lauren is then sentenced to a girls' reform camp Paradise Ridge, nestled in the mountains of California. But this reform camp turns out to be a corrupt and twisted prison that breaks young girls and keeps parents in the dark .With the help of Rebecca, a strong and provocative young woman whom Lauren befriends, the two escape the unsafe facility and fight for their lives out in the Utah wilderness; a journey of growth, acceptance and resilience of what they believe is right.