- 劳伦特(文森·卡索 ent Casse 饰)和安东尼(弗朗索瓦·克鲁塞 Fran?ois Cluzet 饰)是情同手足的好兄弟,近日里,两人的感情生活都颇为不顺,于是他们相约着带上了各自的女儿罗娜(萝拉·兰 Lola Le Lann 饰)和玛丽(爱丽丝·伊萨 Alice Isaaz 饰),准备前往舒适惬意的海边散散心。 就这样,一行四人来到了海滨开始了他们的假期,劳伦特和安东尼十分享受这里闲适散漫的生活,可两个年轻的姑娘却并不这么想,谁年纪轻轻的愿意和两个怪老头一起消磨时间呢!让劳伦特没有想到的是,自己竟然引起了罗娜的注意,经受不住后者三番五次的露骨诱惑,劳伦特终于忍不住就范了,一场惊心动魄的地下恋情就此展开。
- Albert and Bruno are in the red, compulsive consumers, over-indebted, they live between petty schemes for one and a personal life adrift for the other. It is in the associative path, which they both take to get their heads above water, that they will come across young rebellious activists, climate alarmists, lovers of social justice and eco-responsibility. More attracted by bee...