搜索 Christa

  • Comedy and Horror unite in this "The Breakfast Club" meets "Shaun of the Dead" tale about a group of oddball high school students who find themselves trapped in detention with their classmates having turned into a horde of Zombies. Can they put their differences aside and work together to survive the night? Fat chance! This is High School after all.
  • 2013年,一支由梅尔·霍尔顿博士(丹尼斯·欧哈拉 Denis O'Hare 饰)及其女儿诺拉(阿什丽·欣肖 Ashley Hinshaw 饰)率领的美国考古队在开罗南部发现一座被掩埋在黄沙之下的神秘金字塔。虽然埃及正处于暴动混乱之中,但是苏妮(克莉丝塔·尼古拉 Christa Nicola 饰)担任主持人的纪录片摄制组仍然冒险来到当地,只为记录下具有划时代意义的重要时刻。根据现场的情况,该金字塔甚至比已发现的所有金字塔年代都要久远。照例围绕着金字塔,各种恐怖诅咒的阴影盘桓其上,而且开启金字塔的时候还有当地人因毒气而受伤。由于所携带的设备遭到不明原因损伤,诺拉和相关工作人员决定铤而走险进入这座未知金字塔。   等待他们的将是永生难忘的可怕记忆……
  •   传说中黑暗的主宰魔鬼的统治者,无时无刻在觊觎著人类的世界。格林和泰里是两个活泼的小孩,一天他们在家中的后院挖土,无意间挖到了一个直通地心的无底深洞,他们的恶梦便从此开始,晚上无数的精灵及鬼怪,纷纷从地洞中爬出……
  • Alone follows a writer seeking peace and solitude in the countryside in an attempt to recover from tragedy and finish her book. However, as the welcoming country house turns into a living hell, she soon realizes that her inner demons are not the worst of her problems.
  • 人们都说“三十如狼,四十如虎”,可女人真到了四十岁,还能在“当好母亲”、“干好事业”和“追寻个人幸福”中寻找平衡吗?Jules Cobb(Courteney Cox扮演)正打算试一试。
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