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  • 两姐妹,贝卡和罗莎琳,多年来已经分开,但通过悲剧事件学会了爱和尊重彼此。姐妹俩都飞到马恩岛去寻找并送还母亲玛丽的尸体,她们得知母亲玛丽一直过着双重生活,把父亲理查德留在曼彻斯特的家中,同时为她创造了另一个世界。
  •   The fate of a championship is being decided on a soccer field, but along with it, the lives of many people who have decided to turn things around are at stake. Be it for money, as is the case of Italo - president of the Sporting team who bet everything he has left on the final result; be it for honor, as is the case of coach Bulla - who has never won a title his whole life; be it for a dream, as is the case of Antonio - the team captain who wants to go pro. Away from the field, the rest of the world keeps living, dying, and showing off its contradictions. But inside the game, time comes to a halt because it's the most important of all moments.-微博@摆渡字幕组 整理
  • 克莱默夫妇像普通的美国夫妇一样,克莱默先生(达斯汀?霍夫曼 Dustin Hoffman 饰)在外工作挣钱,克莱默夫人(梅丽尔?斯特里普 Meryl Streep 饰)则在家照料照料6岁的儿子比利(贾斯汀?亨利 Justin Henry 饰)。由于克莱默先生忙于工作忽略了家庭,克莱默夫人某天愤然出走,留下了父子两。   克莱默先生现在一方面要忙于工作,一方面又要照顾比利,生活一时陷入麻烦中。克莱默先生不善家务,在照料比利时洋相百出:第一次为比利煎西多士、过程十分恐怖;比利不吃饭要吃雪糕,克莱默先生想阻止却不懂沟通……   幸好在女邻居的帮助下,克莱默先生逐渐适应了单身父亲的生活。父子两越来越亲密,互相依赖。   这时,克莱默夫人回来了,她已经是纽约一名出色的设计师了。她回来要拿回比利的抚养权……
  • With his carefree lifestyle on the line, a wealthy charmer poses as a ranch hand to get a hardworking farmer to sell her family's land before Christmas.
  • 52岁的凯撒(雷克斯?哈里森 Rex Harrison 饰)以罗马执行官的身份驾临埃及,为了解决王室姐弟争位的事端。皇姐克里奥佩特拉(伊丽莎白?泰勒 Elizabeth Taylor 饰)美艳绝伦,凭借自身的魅力和政治手腕,迅速让凯撒拜倒在她的石榴裙下,不但获得了对埃及的统治权,而且还以美貌征服了罗马。   克氏与凯撒完婚后,为其产下一子,深得凯撒喜欢,被立为继承人。但此事引起了凯撒手下大将安东尼(理查德?伯顿 Richard Burton 饰)与屋大维(罗迪?麦克道尔 Roddy McDowall 饰)的不满。在凯撒遇刺驾崩之后,安东尼接掌了罗马的统治权,但他同样无法抵挡克氏的绝世美貌。当安东尼彻底沉溺于暴风雨般爱情的时候,身在罗马的屋大维已经吹响了夺权的号角……