搜索 Stanislav

  • 伊万出发前往叙利亚执行危险任务,拯救被极端组织俘虏的前指挥官格雷,在美军巡逻队的帮助下,他成功解救了格雷,并在被恐怖分子追捕的同时试图逃离该国
  •   苏联女学生柳德米拉·帕夫利琴科在一次射击游戏中无意间发现了自己的射击天赋,1941年她不顾家人反对毅然参军。帕夫利琴科成长为全苏联最出色的狙击手,同时她被德军视为不惜一切代价也要除掉的巨大的威胁。柳德米拉遇到一名男子并坠入爱河。然而,好景不长,战争过去,厄运却再次降临……
  • Актёры Театра Юного Зритепя, Николай Иванович и Зина, в канун Нового Года подрабатывают Дедом Морозом и Снегурочкой. Для Николая Ивановича это не просто заработок - это прежде всего творчество, каждая квартира - это его сцена, его театр. И вот весь вечер Дед Мороз со Снегурочкой поздравляют детей, переезжая из дома в дом, пока не попадают в обыкновенную квартиру, где случается обыкновенное новогоднее чудо...
  • In small czech town named Jilemnice live unfortunate, but brave and jovial woman Štěpa Kiliánová, whose only desire was to fill the void in her virgin life. In despair and excessive trust, she married a sardonic, reclusive man, former lieutenant and gambler Pavel Malina, whose only wish was finally found peace and forgetting the past. They lived through unrequited love, dislike and disappointment. But no one knew that her groom begin to show signs of cerebral disease, which in the coming years engulf his sanity.
  • Bipedalism, or 'two-footed walking', is the story of a painter who grew up in an orphanage and only years later learns the circumstances of his father's disappearance and death. Childhood memories bring the main character back to the past he buys a house in the suburbs that used to belong to his family. In the basement, he finds his father's archives and scientific research documents on the hybridization of human race with related biological species. Studying the archive material, he unexpectedly finds evidence of efforts to renew the experiments on the remaining hybrid population. The painter then becomes a researcher, and consequently a victim. The basic idea of his father's research was to change, control and influence the process of human evolution - initially connected with eugenics theories of the period before World War II, and now being placed in a context of modern 'biotechnological' expectations by his former colleagues. The main character tries to recreate and realize his father's heritage, who was forced to cooperate with state terror organizations, using the results of his secret research. In a tragic manner, this information turns into the main character's reality, at first forcing him to reappraise his father's values and later driving him to madness.