搜索 Sophie Jo Wasson
共找到“5”个结果BBC Four has acquired Hidden Assets from DCD Rights, a new international crime drama shot in Ireland and Belgium starring Angeline Ball.
A routine raid led by Emer Berry, (Ball) a detective in the Irish Criminal Assets Bureau, reveals that a small-time drug dealer has been receiving substantial funding from a seemingly untraceable source – not in cash, but in rough diamonds.
Colm is in his mid-forties, married, with two teenage children. Still grieving the death of his father, a destructive gure in his life, Colm struggles with his relationship to his own son, whilst at work a recent takeover threatens his job. Unable to share his vulnerability with his wife, Colm's world is falling apart around him. In the midst of this crisis, Colm solicits sex f...
基于Sarah Vaughan所著同名畅销小说,聚焦英国特权精英的丑闻和被卷入其中的女性。原著讲述一名雄心勃勃的威斯敏斯特政客在被控强奸后婚姻破裂的故事,妻子相信丈夫是无辜的,而控方律师同样坚信他是有罪的。
BBC Four has acquired Hidden Assets from DCD Rights, a new international crime drama shot in Ireland and Belgium starring Angeline Ball.
基于Sarah Vaughan所著同名畅销小说,聚焦英国特权精英的丑闻和被卷入其中的女性。原著讲述一名雄心勃勃的威斯敏斯特政客在被控强奸后婚姻破裂的故事,妻子相信丈夫是无辜的,而控方律师同样坚信他是有罪的。 弗兰德饰演詹姆斯·怀特豪斯,是一位雄心勃勃,富有魅力的初级部长,一直以来分享着妻子的好运。米勒饰演他的妻子苏菲,牛津大学毕业,育有两个孩子,看似完美的生活即将被引爆。道克瑞饰演主攻性犯罪的刑事律师&王室法律顾问凯特·伍德克罗夫特,她在自己的领域迅速崛起,刚刚接手了一个百年难遇的案子。