搜索 Jana Morrison
共找到“2”个结果《荒野纸牌》是一部带有喜剧色彩的破案剧,讲述了一个粗暴、爱讥讽的警察和一个活泼、聪明的女骗子这对不太可能的组合。Ellis (Giacomo Gianniotti,《实习医生格蕾》)扮演一名被降级的侦探,去年一直在海事部门工作,而Max (Vanessa Morgan,《河谷镇》)一直过着一种短暂的生活,精心地欺骗她遇到的每一个人。但当马克斯被捕并最终帮助埃利斯解决当地的一起犯罪案件时,两人得到了救赎自己的机会,埃利斯重新成为侦探,而马克斯则免于入狱。抓住吗?他们必须合作,每个人都使用他们独特的技能来破案。
Wild Cards is a crime-solving procedural with a comedic twist that follows the unlikely duo of a gruff, sardonic cop and a spirited, clever con woman. Ellis (Giacomo Gianniotti of Grey’s Anatomy) plays a demoted detective who has spent the last year on the maritime unit, while Max (Vanessa Morgan of Riverdale) has been living a transient life elaborately scamming everyone she meets. But when Max gets arrested and ends up helping Ellis solve a local crime, the two are offered the opportunity to redeem themselves, with Ellis going back to detective and Max staying out of jail. The catch? They have to work together, with each using their unique skills to solve crimes.