搜索 Estelle

  •   安东尼·霍普金斯、安森·蒙特(《异人族》《星际迷航:发现号》)、艾比·考尼什(《三块广告牌》《明亮的星》)将主演黑色惊悚片《大师》(The Virtuoso,暂译),Nick Stagliano(《美好的一天》)执导。蒙特饰一个职业杀手,欠下他的导师(霍普金斯)很多,为此他得杀掉最新接受的一个任务目标。但没有任何这个目标的照片和具体描述,他只知道目标会在下午5点,出现在一个死气沉沉的小镇的餐厅里。那么餐厅里任何顾客都可能是这个杀手要杀的人,还有那个神秘的女招待(考尼什),就算她不是目标,也是一个足够威胁这项任务的存在,她甚至可能危害杀手的生命。  该片也即将在#戛纳电影节#卖片。
  •   凯迪佳是一位40多岁的非洲裔女性,为一个富裕的巴黎家庭工作。夏天到来时,雇主提议让她前往科西嘉岛照顾孩子整个夏天。对于她和女儿杰西卡和法拉赫来说,这是一个难得的机会,可以回到15年前因悲惨事件而离开的那个岛屿。在这个夏天,两个少女沉浸在各种诱惑中:意外的相遇,冒险,还有初恋……
  • A young boy takes his mother's place in a group of gemstone-based beings, and must learn to control his powers.  This series is set in the fictional Beach City, where ageless alien warriors, the Crystal Gems, live in an ancient beachside temple, protecting the world from evil. They project female humanoid forms from magical gemstones that are the core of their being. The Crystal Gems are Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl and Steven, a young half-human, half-Gem boy who inherited his gemstone from his mother, the Gems' former leader Rose Quartz. As Steven tries to figure out his powers, he spends his days with his human father Greg, his friend Connie, other people in Beach City, or the other Gems, whether to help them save the world or just to hang out. He explores the abilities passed down to him by his mother, which include fusion (the ability of Gems to merge their identities and bodies to form a new and more powerful personality).
  • Steven Universe is an American animated television series created by Rebecca Sugar for Cartoon Network. It is the coming-of-age story of a young boy named Steven, who grows up with three magical aliens, the Crystal Gems Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl, and helps them protect the world from their own kind.
  • 《宇宙小子》(Steven Universe)是卡通频道出品的电视动画剧集,由动画人丽贝卡·休格(Rebecca Sugar)创作。  在《宇宙小子》的世界里,由一组宝石战士保护宇宙免遭邪恶力量的威胁。主人公小男孩史蒂文·宇宙继承了母亲的宝石力量,与其他三位宝石战士石榴、珍珠、紫晶一起生活。剧集围绕他们展开,讲述了史蒂文和三位宝石战士姐姐一起,在日常生活中拯救世界,以及探索自身神奇能力的成长故事。