搜索 Boren

  •   After a holiday visit with his parents, Mikey is headed to the airport to return to his wife and newborn baby. Except he doesn’t board the plane. Instead he returns to his parents’ loft in lower Manhattan, back to his childhood room that has since been converted to storage. Unsure of his own motivations, he makes up excuses about why he’s staying – his flight is delayed, his flight is cancelled. A day passes, and then another, and he calls home and work to say he can’t return just yet – his parents are getting old, his parents are ill, time is too short. His doting mother is more than happy to enable his procrastination, while his artist father is suspicious. From afar, his confused wife grows increasingly unsettled. Meanwhile Mikey moves back into his room, digging out notebooks and mementos, calling on old friends. As the days go on he becomes more and more entrenched in his adolescent sanctuary, and comes to a point where he must choose between life as it is and life as it was. --? Official Site
  • 与父母一起度假后,米奇前往机场准备返回妻子和新生婴儿身边但他没有登机,相反,他回到了他父母在曼哈顿下城的阁楼,回到了他童年的房间,那里已经被改造成了储藏室。溺爱他的母亲非常乐意让他拖延,而他的艺术家父亲并不支持儿子的决定,他的妻子因为困惑而越来越不安。与此同时,米奇搬回自己的房间,翻出笔记本和纪念品,拜访老朋友。他越来越深陷在青少年的庇护所里,随着时间的推移他必须在现实生活和现实生活之间做出选择。
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