搜索 格雷·蒙赛京

  •   Chiara lives on an Atlantic island, where her husband Antoine grew up. They are a happy and loving couple. She has been taught Antoine's hard fishing job and has been working with him for twenty years. The arrival of Maxence, a young apprentice is going to rock their balance and alter Chiara beliefs. Soon her and Maxence begin a passionate romance but their age-gap, Maxence is far younger than Chiara arises the rumors and hostility of their neighbors.
  • 宝拉(利蒂希亚·多施 Laetitia Dosch 饰)在20岁那年就认识男友了,两人携手一路走过了漫长的十年,本以为这个男人一定会牵着自己的手走入婚礼的殿堂,没想到在她30岁这一年,男友无情而且不可能挽回的抛弃了她。分手带给了宝拉巨大的打击,这打击实在是过于夸张了,导致她直接就精神崩溃住进了心理科。因为无法忍受心理科里可怕的治疗方式,宝拉决定“逃出疯人院”。   身无分文并且无处可去的宝拉只有自己的爱猫一只,但还是毅然决然的踏上了寻找自我的旅程,一路上,她遇见了各式各样的人,目睹了千奇百怪的人生,在这么多人生里面,有哪一个是她想要活成的样子呢?
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