搜索 张恒

  • 秦牧天生凡体,历经考验成为天魔教教主,被延康国封为第一任太学博士。延康国叛乱之战中秦牧引来魔神,掀起浩荡风云,后随武可汗入楼兰黄金宫,一个人打遍圣宫无敌手。他返回延康,助国师平叛、造射日神炮,后得人皇传承成为新一代人皇。机缘巧合下秦牧得知自己的身世,借助道门小玉京等人帮助,开启道法神通改革的大世。
  • 泰羽为了修理雷霆战爪,来到神匠的工作室,大彭无意间找到了人造精灵明灵的设计图纸,在设计出两只明灵后,竟机缘巧合地救出了困在棱镜中的神匠。
  • 在十个区域特征、贫困程度和脱贫难点各不相同的贫困地区,基层扶贫干部、当地困难群众和其他扶贫力量齐心协力战胜贫困。南康村扶贫干部吴非飞认真学习邻村干部的扶贫经验,成功用创新的“1+1大于2”的模式推广打造品牌富硒茶,成为扶贫致富的金矿。大石村扶贫干部彭莉组织易地搬迁,巧妙化解村民内心情结和实际困难,助“钉子户”的贫困户郑守德搬离荒凉大山。晓起村新任驻村书记郝钢不畏困难,积极激发村党小组的活力,以“流量扶贫”的新举措大力发展村中电商行业。凉山村彝族书记梁启,以科学扫除迷信,带领彝寨发展文旅走上致富路;大学生村官戴志强扶贫扶志,帮助懒汉王德才重拾立身信念,将石斛花种满贫瘠山谷。最终,他们走向共同富裕新起点。
  •   Ernest Hemingway’s influential short story The Killers (1927), has been adapted to film by Robert Siodmak and Andrei Tarkovsky, while Edward Hopper’s painting Nighthawks (1942) is also said to have been inspired by the story. The Killers, an omnibus film comprised of four-shorts, takes motifs from these two classics and borrows some of their imagery as mise-en-scène. The 4 directors unfold the noir world of death and waiting with different senses and sensibilities. Kim Jong-kwan’s Metamorphosis, which depicts the awakening and manifestation of power following bloodsucking; Roh Deok’s Contractors, a pyramid of contract killings and subcontracted labor; Chang Hang-jun’s Everyone is Waiting for the Man, which tracks down a ghostly figure called a mysterious killer; and Lee Myung-Se’s Silent Cinema, an allegory of his longtime dream of cinema and the world. Notably, Actor Shim Eun-kyung appears in all four films, each time in a completely different role, adding to the delight. It’s an unconventional collection of emotional, psychological, and action-oriented films.
  • 《记忆之夜》是一部讲述兄弟故事的惊悚片,哥哥因绑架事件失去了记忆,弟弟则一直在为哥哥找寻记忆。