- 星历41153.7,星际联邦第五艘命名为企业号(USS Enterprise,NCC-1701-D),同时也是最先进的星舰正式入役,首任舰长为备受尊重的让-卢克·皮卡德上校,企业号接到的第一项命令是前往新设立的远点地面站调查交易情况。然而,企业号在前往远点站的过程中被一个自称Q的超维度生命体拦了下来,指控船上的所有类人生物都还野蛮、未开化,没有资格在宇宙中历险,皮卡德和船员们要是想证明自己就必须接受挑战,调查即将发生在远点地面站的一系列神秘事件的真相。
- When the naval construction designer Oliver Reed (Kent Smith) meets the Serbian Irena Dubrovna Reed (Simone Simon) in the zoo, he flirts with her and they sooner fall in love and marry each other. However, Irena is afraid of an ancient course of her town that women can not be touched by a man, otherwise she will transform in a panther, and the couple does not consummate their m...