- The remarkable story of how a group of inspired mavericks made an unlikely marriage of hip-hop and history the biggest musical show in America...and are getting ready to conquer the world.
- In this animated musical comedy, Owen Tillerman and his family live an unconventional life in New York’s bustling Central Park, which Owen manages. Now, they’ll have to fend off a wealthy hotel heiress who wants to turn the park into condos. The series comes from Emmy? Award-winner Loren Bouchard (Bob’s Burgers) with voice cast including Josh Gad, Leslie Odom Jr., Emmy Raver-La...
- 扎克瑞·昆图、比利·波特、EJ·约翰逊将为Disney+重启版动画剧集《骄傲的家庭:更大声更骄傲》献声。昆图与波特将为一对伴侣巴里·莱博维茨-詹金斯和兰德尔·莱博维茨-詹金斯配音。该剧讲述佩妮·普劳德与古怪、狂野的家庭一起度过了她青少年时代的故事。该剧配音卡司还包括凯拉·帕特、汤米·戴维森、保拉·杰·帕克、乔玛丽·佩顿、塞德里克·凯尔斯等。布鲁斯·W·史密斯、拉尔夫·法夸尔担任执行制作人。该剧预计于2022年登陆Disney+。