- "An Almost Christmas Story" follows Moon, a curious young owl who unexpectedly finds himself stuck in a Christmas tree destined for Rockefeller Plaza. In his attempts to escape the bustling city, Moon befriends a lost little girl named Luna. Together, they embark on a heartwarming adventure, discovering the magic of the holiday season and forming an unlikely bond as they journey back home to their parents. “An Almost Christmas Story” starts streaming, November 15 on Disney+.
- 林英(潘珊妮娅·甘宋卢 Tussaneeya Karnsomnut 饰)是一个视男人为玩物的女人,她虽然辗转在不同的怀抱之中,但从未认真对待过这些感情。庭帕特(克里塔利特·布帕洛姆 BigM Krittarit Butprohm 饰)和妹妹之间的感情非常的要好,妹妹即将和深爱的男友携手步入婚姻的殿堂,在这个节骨眼上,这个男人遇见了林英。被林英迷得神志不清的男人选择了和恋人分手,导致了庭帕特妹妹的自杀身亡。不仅如此,庭帕特的母亲也因为受不了这巨大的打击,中风瘫痪了。 庭帕特决定替妹妹报仇,他隐藏了自己的真实身份,出现在了林英的身边。林英深深的感觉到,在庭帕特的身上,有着和之前她遇见过的所有男人都不一样的特除气场,这令她深深着迷。