- 由Bryan Cranston和Greg Mottola制作的家庭喜剧《男孩们的冒险书 The Dangerous Book for Boys》过去被Amazon预订,现定于美国时间3月30日上线。该剧改编自Conn Iggulden和Hal Iggulden所 著的同名小说,原本在2014-2015开发季度由NBC台开发但失败,现在重新制作后被Amazon相中。 剧中在发明家父亲Patrick 去世后,Wyatt与兄弟得到一本父亲留给他们的书 - 《男孩们的冒险书》,这书让Wyatt激发一个异想天开的奇幻世界,让他感受到与父亲的联系,并学习到应付现实生活的技巧。 Chris Diamantopoulos将同时饰演两角,他除了饰演父亲角色Patrick外,也饰演双生兄弟Terry;Terry是个爱好玩乐﹑不爱规则﹑好心的后进生,在兄弟去世后来跟主角...
- It is the year 2105... a young, inexperienced and highly flawed crew embarks on a routine exploratory space mission. Suddenly, their ship, the UMP Cruiser, is drawn through a portal into a different, mysterious universe. With no maps, no contact, and no way back home, Captain Stewart Lipinski, First Officer/Stewart's-Older-Sister Karen Lipinski and their crew have to learn to w...