- 平凡小镇“三星镇”,发生了一段不平凡的神魔奇遇。开朗乐观、热心助人的“好彩妹”蓟彩芝(钟嘉欣饰)是三星镇久负盛名的活宝贝,深受镇民爱戴。她的两位好友,欺善凌弱的石敢当(陈浩民饰)和丑女蒋倩(陈思齐饰)却不受众人欢迎。蒋倩指腹为婚的寒酸未婚夫婿晏喜(陈锦鸿饰),因受诅咒而患有渴睡症。彩芝、晏喜、敢当三个拥有仙缘的人却遇上祸害沧桑的一代邪魔,由此三人携手踏上往天尊魔宫的征途。几经磨难,彩芝、晏喜、敢当三人灭魔有功,分别被封神为“福”、“禄”、“寿”三星,太上老君为教化世人,种善因必有善果,遂将三人事迹记下,名为《搜神传》。 由香港无线电视于2006年拍摄的古装神话特技电视剧《搜神传》,是2007年节目巡礼剧集及2007、2008无线节目精选第二季剧集之一。故事内容取材自晋朝经典神话集《搜神记》,配合赏心悦目的动画特技、奇幻幽趣的表现手法,构出一场仙、人、...
- Opens with the lovely Pin dreaming about great sex with a bloke whom she soon meets in real life – he’s a security guard at her apartment block. There’s also a group of voyeur cops and their captain Fatty Pang who is always losing on the racehorses. Fatty spies on Pin in the shower one day and steals her red underwear. Pin keeps having lustful fantasies and sometimes has sex wi...